Election Results

      Figure R.1 below shows the results in each of the 16 targeted precincts.  The mean average among these precincts is 33%.  Yet, the mean average among those precincts not targeted (Figure R.2) is 37%.  At first look, this seems to indicate our efforts failed, that our percentages should have been higher where we focused our energy.  However, having knowledge of the location of each precinct, I suspect our vote count would have been much lower if the campaign ignored these precincts completely.  Precincts A117, A112, A110, and A113 are all located in Latonia, Irvin Callery and Jim Eggemeier's  neighborhood.  Moreover, Bernie has never been especially strong in Latonia, perceived as a "downtowner" by residents in that semi-suburban locality.   Bernie's strongest showing has always been in the downtown area, where he resides, where many of the residents have lower incomes, and where he is known as a Democratic candidate.


     A stronger indication that our efforts were successful is the result in Hands Pike, precinct B114. Geographically, Hands Pike is next to precinct B122, Oakridge, and residents there have, essentially, the same complaints as those in Hands Pike. Volunteers walked door-to-door in Hands Pike for seven days, while no volunteers were sent to the Oakridge neighborhood. Also, we did not target Oakridge with literature that specifically addressed their concerns, as the campaign did with Hands Pike precinct.


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