Announcement of Candidacy

As I noted earlier, this letter was an announcement of candidacy.  However, more than that, the letter was a tool to frame the issues.  This communication outlines some very general thoughts and, also, criticisms of the current commission.   

      While writing the letter, I made strategic decisions regarding phraseology.  Concerning writing level, I determined the image I wanted to create of Bernie is that of an intelligent,  clear thinker.  Whether or not the recipient understood everything in the letter, he would have the impression that Bernie is an intelligent leader, a characteristic the public desires in elected officials.  Also,  I wanted to use very emotive language - 
I strongly urge you - choose carefully  are a couple examples.  And I knew, after 15 years away from City Hall, Bernie would have to provide believable, good reasons, to want to return to city government.

Note that there are a three versions of the announcement letter.  The above was sent to the majority of targeted precincts.  Another version was sent to the Hands Pike neighborhood. Still another version was sent to residents near Mainstrasse Village.   After viewing the differences among the announcement letters, look at the response mailed to the survey participants.

Continue to the Hands Pike Announcement